Over three and a half million megavoice devices have been sent to the world’s most remote and unreached mission fields.

Research shows that each solar-powered player is listened to by up to 10-15 people each year.
This is primarily in economically-disadvantaged areas, where people live on less than $2/day. They often have no books, no Bibles, no screens, no data and they do not read.
Our audio players combine solar-powered hardware and local language recordings. We receive many requests from missions to disadvantaged communities around the world.
Over the barbie and in a nutshell.
This is how our people describe the Bible ministry that needs your support.
“We make solar-powered audio players, loaded with the Word of God and other faith-building recordings from a library of thousands of local languages. Our players are rugged and cheap, but they’re still out of reach of the world’s poorest people. By supporting us, you can give them a chance to find the faith that comes by hearing.”
“The best donkey we can be. That’s what we’re trying to do at megavoice Australia. Carry Jesus wherever he needs to be. So, we make cheap, rugged little solar-powered audio players loaded with the Bible in the local language.”
“You know some French, maybe some Spanish? Mandarin? How would you go if you were introduced to the Bible in one of those languages, but not your own? You’d struggle. We have a library of the Bible recorded in thousands of languages.”
“People are twice as likely to share the Word of God with others if they spend time in the Bible more than five times a week. But how can they without a Bible? That’s why the world’s poorest and most isolated people need an audio Bible.”