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God’s Word is changing hearts and lives!

Each $50 reaches enough people for several families to share the inexhaustible food of God’s new life in Jesus Christ.

What greater gift could there possibly be for the poorest, most persecuted people in the world? Africa. India. China and all of Asia. The Americas and the Pacific Islands. Please choose today to give them the saving Word of God. Through their ears, into their hearts, for eternal life.

With your help they can. 

You can put God’s word in the hands of indigenous pastors, mission agencies, Bible societies and translators working in some of the most remote places on earth.

Every player you donate will be heard, on average, by 10-15 people over man years. That’s just a few dollars for each precious person.

You will be donating audio players that are solid, robust, so simple to use, powered by the sun … and they are loaded with the keys of eternal life: God’s wonderful Word.

You can be part of God’s extraordinary work in the most remote and disadvantaged places on Earth.

The robust, solar-powered audio players you donate are for the lost people of God. 

They cannot afford phones or apps or books or Bibles, but their lives are precious to God. You can make sure they get to hear and understand the saving words of Jesus.

Send megavoice devices

A great way for you to fulfil the great commission

Matthew 28:18-19
Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

You can contribute to a very exciting part of The Great Commission: giving people who do not read the chance to experience the Bible in their own Heart Language.

This extraordinary expression of The Great Commission has been achieved through small, robust, solar-powered, solid-state, secure, non-trackable, shareable digital audio and video devices, loaded with content from an unparalleled cloud library of Bible translations and discipleship resources.

YES, I want people who do not read to receive the God’s Word in their own language